Yulin Wang (王语霖)  

Ph.D. Student

Department of Automation, Tsinghua University

Email: wang-yl19@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn; yulin.bh@gmail.com
[Curriculum Vitae (09/2024)]
[Google Scholar] [ORCID] [Semantic Scholar] [Scopus]

Short Bio

Yulin Wang is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Gao Huang and Prof. Cheng Wu. Before that, he received his B.E. degree in Automation at Beihang University in 2019. He was a research intern at Berkeley DeepDrive, U.C. Berkeley, in 2018.

His research focuses on addressing the challenges of data efficiency and computational efficiency in building large-scale deep learning models (e.g., visual/multi-modal foundation models, generative models, and embodied foundation models for robotics).

He is actively looking for a postdoc position (expected to graduate in 2025.04)!









Selected Awards and Honors

Academic Service

- Reviewer for TPAMI, IJCV, TCYB, TNNLS, TCSVT, Pattern Recognition, TMLR, ...

- Reviewer for ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, AAAI, ...
  • Outstanding Reviewer, CVPR, 2021

  • - Co-sponsor of the Special Interest Group on Dynamic Neural Networks, Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI).
  • https://littlepure2333.github.io/dynamic-neural-network
  • Core members include more than 20 researchers from 8 universities. We have organized more than 30 academic reports and tutorials. The cumulative audience has exceeded 1,000.

  • Last update: 09/2024 by Yulin Wang.